Title: Animated Canvases Collection 03: Perfect Foundations
Official site: Here
Type handed out: Background animations
Format: .MOV
Resolution files:1920 x 1080, 720x576
By the Numbers
42 HD & 42 SD Pre-rendered Animated Quicktime files
2 DVDs
14.3 GB
Average animation length of 15 secs
Compatible with all non-linear editing tools
Compatible with both Windows and Mac
Requires Juicer version 3.88b or above
Animated Canvases Collection 03: Perfect Foundations - This collection of fresh animated backgrounds is an important tool for every hard-working designer animation and video editor provides you with more than forty ready to use animations in Quicktime-HD-and SD-resolution, which is an excellent material for everything from a promotional video and congratulations to the wedding video, DVD-menus, and much more.
You no longer need to look at an empty timeline hoping for inspiration, this exciting library of diverse animated backgrounds will be a powerful starting point for your further work.
Unlike more complex Editors Toolkit or ready2go, collections Animated Canvases are free customizable layers and lots of animated elements. They are designed to highlight the text, video, and your ideas, and are the perfect foundation for revitalizing your projects.
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